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PhytoPath is a joint project between EMBL-EBI and Rothamsted Research, funded by the BBSRC, linking genomic and phenotoypic data of fungal and oomycete plant pathogens. |
Ensembl Genomes is developed by EMBL-EBI and is powered by the Ensembl software system for the analysis and visualisation of genomic data. For details of our funding please click here. For information on how to cite Ensembl Genomes click here.
- Genomes
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- 79 new genomes added, 12 genomes renamed and 395 genomes have updated annotation since release 36
- New Beauveria bassiana ARSEF 8028 genome
- Updated annotation for Verticillium dahliae JR2
- Updated UTR annotation for Fusarium graminearum str PH-1
- New data
- ncRNA alignments and gene predictions for all fungal species
- Updated data
- Updated BioMarts
- Updated protein features
- Updated phenotypic annotation from PHI-base 4.3 for some species
Ensembl Fungi is a browser for fungal genomes. A majority of these are taken from the databases of the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (the European Nucleotide Archive at the EBI, GenBank at the NCBI, and the DNA Database of Japan); in some cases, the annotation has been taken directly from the websites of the data generators.
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If you've used Ensembl Genomes in your work, please cite the most recent overview article below and the Ensembl Genomes release you retrieved your data from. References for the specific genome assembly can be found on the More information and statistics page for each species (e.g., Saccharomyces cerevisiae).
Kersey PJ, et al. Ensembl Genomes 2016: more genomes, more complexity. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Jan;44(D1) D574-80. doi:10.1093/nar/gkv1209. PMID: 26578574; PMCID: PMC4702859.